バイオエンジニアリング部門 メーリングリスト登録者各位                    日本機械学会 A-TS 02-09              研究会主査 和田 成生(大阪大学) バイオエンジニアリング部門研究会「生物機械システム研究会」 第37回研究会を下記の要領にて開催致します.御多用とは存じ ますが,万障お繰り合わせの上,御出席頂きますよう,宜しく お願い申し上げます.            記 ----------------------------------------------------------------     第37回生物機械システム研究会 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 【日時】2013年5月29日(水)16:00ー17:30 【場所】京都大学再生医科学研究所 再生研東館5F ルーフテラス     (京都市左京区聖護院川原町53)      http://www.frontier.kyoto-u.ac.jp/access.html 【共催】京都大学再生医科学研究所第13回バイオメカニクスセミナー 【プログラム】 演 題:A Multiscale Systems Biology Approach to     Bone Mechanobiology 講演者:Peter Pivonka, Ph.D, Associate Professor,     Musculoskeletal Science, North West Academic Centre, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia Systems biology is the science of putting together the individual pieces of a complex biological system such as bone. Central to a systems biology approach is the development of computational models built around targeted experiments. The mathematical integration of a broad spectrum of biological knowledge enables one to test various experimental and theoretical hypotheses “in-silico”. Bone is a biological system with complex cell interactions, adaptive/mechanobiological mechanisms and debilitating disorders (among others). This presentation provides an overview of current state of the art of computational modeling techniques applied to bone, including: (i) mechanobiological regulation of bone adaptation (cellular/tissue scale) (ii) age-related cortical bone loss (cross sectional scale), and (iii) estimation of strain patterns in atypical fractures (whole organ scale). It will be shown how these computational models can be applied to advance current knowledge of bone mechanobiology at various scales of observation. Particular emphasis will be given to multiscale modeling approaches, in which information from different scales, such as subcellular-, cellular- and tissue scale, are integrated to provide insights into the complex coupling mechanisms occurring across these scales in bone.   ------------------------------------------------- 【問合先】 研究会幹事:田原大輔 datawara@rins.ryukoku.ac.jp       龍谷大学理工学部機械システム工学科