2014年10月16日 バイオエンジニアリング部門 メーリングリスト登録者各位                    日本機械学会 A-TS 02-09              研究会主査 和田 成生(大阪大学) バイオエンジニアリング部門研究会「生物機械システム研究会」 第41回研究会を下記の要領にて開催致します.御多用とは存じ ますが,万障お繰り合わせの上,御出席頂きますよう,宜しく お願い申し上げます.            記 --------------------------------------------     第41回生物機械システム研究会 -------------------------------------------- 【日時】2014年11月14日(金)16:00〜17:30 【場所】京都大学再生医科学研究所 東館5F ルーフテラス     (京都市左京区聖護院川原町53)      http://www.frontier.kyoto-u.ac.jp/access.html 【共催】京都大学再生医科学研究所第17回バイオメカニクスセミナー 【プログラム】 演 題:Multiscale Liver and Vascular Tissue Engineering     - Tissue engineering using conventional and microfluidic     culture models - 講演者:須藤 亮  准教授(Dr. Ryo Sudo)     慶応義塾大学理工学部     Associate Professor     Department of System Design Engineering     Keio University, Yokohama, Japan Construction of three-dimensional (3D) organs/tissues including microvascular networks is a big challenge in the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Although two-dimensional tissues can be constructed in vitro, construction of 3D tissues is still difficult due to their complex but well-organized structures. In particular, microvascular networks are essential structures for transporting oxygen and nutrients to the deep portion of 3D tissues. Here, I present our previous works on liver and vascular tissue engineering. First, we performed conventional 3D culture models using liver and vascular cells. Next, these liver and vascular cell culture models were performed in microscale to control biochemical and biophysical culture environments more precisely. Microfluidic devices made of silicone rubber and cover glass were produced via soft lithography. Hepatocytes formed 3D tissues under interstitial flow conditions in a microfluidic device, while endothelial cells formed microvascular networks with continuous lumens. Recent works focus on the stabilization of microvascular networks with pericytes, and integration of hepatocyte tissues and microvascular networks for construction of vascularized 3D tissues. *講演は,日本語です. ------------------------------------------------- 【問合先】 研究会幹事:田原大輔 datawara@rins.ryukoku.ac.jp       龍谷大学理工学部機械システム工学科