2015年10月19日 バイオエンジニアリング部門 メーリングリスト登録者各位                    日本機械学会 A-TS 02-09              研究会主査 和田 成生(大阪大学) バイオエンジニアリング部門研究会「生物機械システム研究会」 第44回研究会を下記の要領にて開催致します.御多用とは存じ ますが,万障お繰り合わせの上,御出席頂きますよう,宜しく お願い申し上げます.            記 --------------------------------------------     第44回生物機械システム研究会 -------------------------------------------- 【日時】2015年11月11日(水)15:30〜17:30 【場所】京都大学再生医科学研究所 東館5F ルーフテラス     (京都市左京区聖護院川原町53)      http://www.frontier.kyoto-u.ac.jp/access.html 【共催】京都大学再生医科学研究所 第21回バイオメカニクスセミナー 【共催】生命動態システム科学推進拠点事業「多次元定量イメージングに     基づく数理モデルを用いた動的生命システムの革新的研究体系の     開発・教育拠点」 【プログラム】 演題1:15:30-16:00 Personalized blood flow analysis in the human left atrium : Mechanistic link between structural remodeling and blood flow characteristics 講演者: Tomohiro Otani Division of Cardiology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD Department of Mechanical Science & Bioengineering, Osaka University Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka, Japan 概要: Recent studies suggest that structural remodeling of the heart, such as larger left atrial (LA) size, lower LA function, lower LA appendage function and LA appendage morphology, may be causally related to stroke. To study a mechanistic link between these seemingly interdependent markers of structural remodeling and blood flow characteristics within the LA, we developed a computational framework to perform patient-specific, CT-based, blood flow analysis in the human LA using computational fluid dynamics. We found that the blood emptying in the LA appendage, the most common site of blood clot formation within the heart, is a result of complex interactions among multiple factors, such as abnormal LA size and function. Personalized LA blood flow analysis can quantitatively characterize the mechanisms as to how individual patients develop blood clots within the heart, and therefore may be useful for risk assessment of stroke in individual patients. 演題2:16:00-17:30 Integrating Cellular Mechanobiology and Biomechanics - Emergence of Primary Cilia as Mechanosensors 講演者: Prof. Christopher Jacobs Department of Biomedical Engineering, Columbia University, New York Visiting Professor Institute for Frontier Medical Sciences, Kyoto University 概要: Cellular mechanosensation is critical in diseases responsible for enormous human suffering including atherosclerosis, osteoarthritis, cancer, and osteoporosis. Nonetheless, little is understood about how cells sense force. Primary cilia are solitary linear cellular extensions that extend from the surface of virtually all cells (green protrusion in the figure). For decades, the biologic function of these enigmatic structures was elusive, however, recent evidence suggests an emerging picture in which the primary cilium functions as a complex nexus where both physical and chemical extracellular signals are sensed and responses coordinated. In our laboratory we have shown that deletion of primary cilia lead to mechanosensing defects and that they are important in stem cell proliferation, differentiation, migration, and/or engraftment. Currently we are working to understand the molecular mechanisms behind this mechanosensing as well as develop biomechanical and biochemical therapeutics. ------------------------------------------------- 【問合先】 研究会幹事:田原大輔 datawara@rins.ryukoku.ac.jp       龍谷大学理工学部機械システム工学科