2016年10月31日 バイオエンジニアリング部門 メーリングリスト登録者各位                    日本機械学会 A-TS 02-09              研究会主査 和田 成生(大阪大学) バイオエンジニアリング部門研究会「生物機械システム研究会」 第46回研究会を下記の要領にて開催致します.御多用とは存じ ますが,万障お繰り合わせの上,御出席頂きますよう,宜しく お願い申し上げます.            記 --------------------------------------------     第46回生物機械システム研究会 -------------------------------------------- 【日時】2016年11月16日(水)15:00〜16:30 【場所】大阪大学基礎工学国際棟セミナー室     (大阪府豊中市待兼山町 1-3)      http://www.esnew.sakura.ne.jp/ja/access.html 【プログラム】 演題:Mechanical replicas for studying the physics of the vocal tract 講演者:Xavier Pelorson, CNRS Director of Research, Gipsa-lab, France 概要: Making measurements on the human voice organ in vivo is invasive and difficult. Reproducibility and accuracy is usually hard to achieve with living or excised tissue. For studying fundamental phenomena of the physics of voice production, it is often more convenient to use mechanical replicas of the various parts of the voice organ. In comparison to computer simulations, the physicality of replicas can impart a more immediate and intuitive appreciation of the structural dimensions and the mechanical and/or aeroacoustical aspects of voice production. In some cases, a highly simplified geometry for the vocal folds or the vocal tract is useful; it facilitates the specification of parameters, and the validation by measurement of numerical simulations of the corresponding geometries. In other cases, a more realistic 3-D geometry is needed to answer the research questions; such as for the study of the influence of particular pathologies or the cause of particular voice features. Modern 3-D printers have opened up the possibility to recreate complex shapes from MRI data, recently even in soft materials. In this talk, we first present a brief historical review of past or present work dealing with mechanical replicas and then illustrate some applications of these replicas in voice research. ------------------------------------------------- 【問合先】 研究会幹事:田原大輔 datawara@rins.ryukoku.ac.jp       龍谷大学理工学部機械システム工学科