バイオエンジニアリング部門 ML登録者各位 J B S E編集委員 部門英文ジャーナルJBSEの最新号(Vol. 12, No. 4)が発刊されておりますので、概要と目次をご案内いたします。 各論文は下記公式Webサイトに掲載されておりますので是非ご覧下さい。 http://jbse.org/archive/volume12-2017/number-04-3/ -------------- Summary of the latest issues -------------- ・Vol. 12, No. 4: 6 articles -------------- Vol. 12, No. 4 -------------- A 3D model analysis of patellofemoral joint: effect of anterior translation and internal rotation of tibia Michihiko FUKUNAGA,Kentaro MORIMOTO,Tomoko KAJIWARA,Kuniyuki ITO,Ryuji NAGAMINE http://doi.org/10.1299/jbse.17-00247 Pedaling skill training system with visual feedback of muscle activity pattern Takuhiro SATO,Tatsushi TOKUYASU http://doi.org/10.1299/jbse.17-00234 Effects of upstream bifurcation and bend on the blood flow in a cerebral aneurysm Daichi SUZUKI,Kenichi FUNAMOTO,Shin-ichiro SUGIYAMA,Toshiyuki HAYASE,Suguru MIYAUCHI,Teiji TOMINAGA http://doi.org/10.1299/jbse.17-00189 Evaluation of the effect of catheter on the guidewire motion in a blood vessel model by physical and numerical simulations Kazuto TAKASHIMA,Atomu OIKE,Kiyoshi YOSHINAKA,Kaihong YU,Makoto OHTA,Koji MORI,Naoki TOMA http://doi.org/10.1299/jbse.17-00181 Finite element analysis of the effectiveness of bicycle helmets in head impacts against roads Shoko OIKAWA,Hiromichi NAKADATE,Yuelin ZHANG,Takahiro UENO,Shigeru AOMURA,Yasuhiro MATSUI http://doi.org/10.1299/jbse.17-00175 Towards computational prediction of flow-induced damage of blood cells using a time-accumulated model Saleh Hassanzadeh GHARAIE,Bobak MOSADEGH,Yos MORSI http://doi.org/10.1299/jbse.17-00168 ---------------------------------- 公式Webサイト: http://www.jbse.org/ 連絡先E-mail: info@jbse.org ---------------(送信者)-------------------------- 名古屋工業大学 大学院工学研究科しくみ領域 杉田 修啓(Sugita, Shukei) Address: 〒466-8555名古屋市昭和区御器所町 Tel&Fax: 052-735-7125 E-mail: sugita.shukei@nitech.ac.jp --------------------------------------------------