Bio-mc:289 ISB 2021参加者への援助 日本機械学会バイオエンジニアリング部門ML各位 Asian-Pacific Association for Biomechanics (APAB) 代表の松本健郎です. 来年7/25-29にストックホルムにてInternational Society of Biomechanics (ISB) の2年に1回の会議が開催される予定で,ISBよりAPABに若手参加者へ 補助を出すとの申し出を頂いております. まだ会議がどのように開催されるかは判りませんので,補助の仕方も決まって おりませんが,演題を出して頂かないことには補助も出せませんので, ご興味をお持ちの方々の沢山のご応募をお待ちいたしております. APABのISB担当のElizabeth Clarke博士 (The University of Sydney) に 案内を作成して頂きましたので転送します. なお,会議の詳細は をご覧下さい. 申込締切は1/31で,会議の形式が最終決定されるのは2/15とのことです. 松本健郎 __________ Dear APAB Executive Council Members, Could you please forward this notice to your local societies, to highlight an opportunity for young researchers from the Asian Pacific region to win an award and present their research at an international conference. ASIAN PACIFIC BIOMECHANICS AWARD AND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE PRESENTATION The International Society for Biomechanics (ISB) has provided funds to the Asian Pacific Association for Biomechanics (APAB) for an award to support ISB 2021 conference attendance for delegates from the Asian Pacific Region. The ISB Conference will be held on 25-29th July 2021, and is currently planned as a hybrid physical/digital conference in Stockholm, Sweden. A decision will be made by ISB on the 15th of February 2021 whether the conference will remain a hybrid physical/digital meeting, or become a fully digital meeting. The APAB will then make a decision after this announcement about the format of the award funding (e.g. award to cover digital registration cost only, or registration and travel cost). Either way, digital attendance and presentation will be possible for any delegates that are unable or unwilling to travel. Abstracts and registration are now open, and abstracts close on 31st January 2021. For details please visit: We encourage abstract submissions to ISB 2021 by 31st January 2021 to be eligible for the APAB award. Many thanks Liz __________ ****** << Takeo MATSUMOTO, PhD, Professor (>> ****** Biomechanics Lab, Dept of Mech Sys Eng, Grad Sch of Eng, Nagoya Univ Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8603, JAPAN, Tel&Fax +81-52-789-2721 In Japanese:名古屋大学 大学院工学研究科 機械システム工学専攻 〒464-8603 名古屋市千種区不老町 (Tel&Fax 052-789-2721) ****************** *******************