Bio-mc:333 2021/10/15 (オンライン開催):第54回生物機械システム研究会のご案内 バイオエンジニアリング部門 メーリングリスト登録者各位 日本機械学会 A-TS02-09 研究会主査 出口 真次(大阪大学) バイオエンジニアリング部門研究会「生物機械システム研究会」 第54回研究会を下記の要領にて開催いたします.御多用とは存じ ますが,万障お繰り合わせのうえ,ご出席いただきますよう, よろしくお願い申し上げます. 記 ---------------------------------------------------------------    第54回生物機械システム研究会 --------------------------------------------------------------- 【日時】2021年10月15日(金)午前10:45-11:45 【場所】オンライン開催(詳細は申込者に別途連絡します) 【参加申し込み】 以下のフォームをお使いの上,幹事(関西大学・大友)まで メールにてお申込み下さい. ------申込フォーム----------------------------------------- 【申込〆切】 10/14(木) 正午まで 【返信先】関西大学・大友) ご芳名: ご所属: ----------------------------------------------------------- 【講演者・講演題目・講演要旨】 講演者: Taeyoon KIM (テヨン・キム) Associate Professor, Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering, Purdue University Visiting Associate Professor, Institute for Frontier Life and Medical Sciences, Kyoto University 京都大学ウイルス・再生医科学研究所, 客員准教授 題目:Reconstructing the Mechanical and Dynamic Behaviors of Cells in Silico 概要:Actin cytoskeleton is a dynamic structural scaffold used by eukaryotic cells to provide mechanical integrity and resistance to deformation, while simultaneously remodeling itself and adapting to diverse extracellular stimuli. The actin cytoskeleton utilizes these properties to play crucial roles in essential cellular processes such as cell migration and division. However, despite its known mechanical role in cell behaviors, a clear understanding of the mechanical properties of actin cytoskeleton and the molecular origin of these properties still lacks, partly due to experimental limitations. Computer simulations can access time and length scales inaccessible by experiments, and thus aid in creating a descriptive model of the molecular interactions that evolve into the mechanical properties observed on cellular scales. To this end, we have developed a cutting-edge computational model which is designed to reproduce the mechanical and dynamic behaviors of actin cytoskeleton within cells. Guided by explicit experimental data, we systematically explored, via simulation, how the mechanics and dynamics of actins and actin-binding proteins determine the deformation, flow, and stiffness of the passive actin cytoskeleton. We also investigated how interactions between the passive cytoskeletal constituents and active molecular motors lead to force generation, contraction, and morphological changes in the active actin cytoskeleton. --------------------------------------------------------------- 【照会先】 研究会幹事:大友涼子       関西大学システム理工学部機械工学科