


趣旨:過去2年間のコロナ禍において,海外への渡航はおろか,国内での対面講義の機会も減りました. 一方,web配信による聴講の機会は増え,日本に居ながら海外の大学の講義を聴講することも可能になり,グローバルレベルの研究をより身近に感じられるようになったとも言えます. 新しい短期留学やサマースクールの在り方を模索する第一弾として,第33回バイオフロンティア講演会開催中に,2名の招待講師による講義ベースの講演を企画いたします. 1人目の講師は,Roger D Kamm教授(マサチューセッツ工科大学,MIT),2人目の講師は,Amy Shen教授(沖縄科学技術大学院大学,OIST)です. オンラインのライブでの講演を神戸大学の会場で聴講する形式で実施します.会場以外への同時配信は行いませんが,後日,機械学会会員に限り,講演の録画動画を一定期間視聴することが可能です. 本シンポジウムは,第1回(バイオフロンティア・シンポジウム2009,和歌山)から数えて13回目の開催となります.

Roger D Kamm
Cecil and Ida Green Distinguished Professor of Mechanical and Biological Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA, USA. Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Biological Engineering

URL: http://web.mit.edu/meche/mb

Microphysiological models of neurological disease: Their potential and limitations

The toll from neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease continues to rise with our aging populations, and there remains little hope for a cure. Indeed, even the fundamental bases for these progressive diseases remain largely a mystery despite continuing efforts. One reason for the lack of progress is that we are lacking in models, either animal or in vitro, that can be used both to study disease onset and progression, or that are suitable for screening effective preventative or palliative therapies. In vitro microphysiological systems (MPS) are now being developed, however, that can recapitulate certain aspects of these disease states and are responsive to some known treatments in humans. These MPS can be produced using either primary or pluripotent cells, and in the latter case, with cells obtained from patients having a variety of genetic backgrounds. In this presentation I will describe recent advances from our lab to produce models of the blood-brain barrier and Alzheimer’s Disease, using cells from various human sources. Functional assays will be described such as BBB permeability along with assessment of amyloid beta plaque accumulation in long-term studies.

Amy Shen
Professor of Micro/bio/nanofluidics Unit Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Okinawa, Japan.

URL: https://groups.oist.jp/mbnu/amy-chen

New opportunities to study population genetics and detect diseases by employing microfluidics and lab-on-a-chip devices

Microfluidics and lab-on-a-chip devices have emerged as powerful platforms to advance our knowledge and open up new possibilities in biophysics and biotechnology research. In this talk, I will showcase two examples of using microfluidics for microbial population genetics and disease diagnosis research.

  1. A microfluidic device with controlled microenvironment is developed to study population genetics: many microbial populations proliferate in small channels. In such environments, reproducing cells organize in parallel lanes. Reproducing cells shift these lanes, potentially expelling other cells from the channel. We combine theory and experiments to understand how these dynamics affects the diversity of a microbial population. We theoretically predict that genetic diversity is quickly lost along lanes of cells. Our experiments confirm that a population of proliferating Escherichia coli in a microchannel organizes into lanes of genetically identical cells within a few generations.
  2. An optomicrofluidic sensing platform is developed to rapidly detect antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in diluted human plasma within 30 minutes, at the limit of detection of ~0.5 pM (0.08 ng/mL). The sensing principle is based on localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) involving gold nanospikes (fabricated by electrodeposition) in a microfluidic device, coupled with an optical probe. This diagnostic platform demonstrates potential to complement existing serological assays and improve COVID-19 diagnosis.

会場:神戸大学 六甲台第二キャンパス 工学研究科棟5階 戎ホール(LR501室)

お問合せ先:バイオエンジニアリング部門 国際委員会
委員長 山西 陽子(九州大学)
E-mail: yokoアットmech.kyushu-u.ac.jp
幹事  下權谷 祐児(日本大学)
E-mail: shimogonya.yujiアットnihon-u.ac.jp