
International Union

-在外研究者による海外研究紹介(2) スタンフォード大学乱流研究所- 実施報告

(English follows)


-在外研究者による海外研究紹介(2) スタンフォード大学乱流研究所- 実施報告



今回は、スタンフォード大学 乱流研究所 研究員の前田一輝先生にご講演いただきました。内容は、これまでの研究履歴、海外の大学院に留学するための手順や資金(米国ではプロジェクトから生活費が支給される等)、海外で研究職を得るための手順、留学と在外研究で感じられた米国と日本の差に関してお話しいただきました。ご講演後の質疑応答の時間では、日本で博士を取得した後に海外で研究員になる方法、米国での博士取得後のキャリアパスや研究職の探し方、コロナ禍での研究の進め方等、活発な質問がなされました。






JSME-IU Global seminar series 2020

-Campus and Lab Presentations from Researchers Studying Abroad (2) Stanford University-

Date: February 10, 2021(Wed) from 10:00-10:30 (Online Lecture through WebEx)


As a part of our efforts towards the globalization of the JSME, JSME-International Union has started a web seminar in FY2019 to have overseas researchers introduce their research activities. This year’ s event was the second in the series. In this year’s event, a lecture was given by Dr. Kazuki Maeda, a researcher at the Turbulence Research Institute at Stanford University. He talked about his research career, the necessary procedures and funds to study in an overseas graduate school, ways to obtain a research position overseas, and the differences, he realized, between the U.S. and Japan as a student and a research scholar.

In the discussions after the lecture, the participants asked several questions such as how to become a researcher overseas after obtaining a doctorate in Japan, career path or research prospects in the U.S., and how to conduct research works during the Corona pandemic.

The event was attended by 24 people (Max capacity was 30 people). Following the seminar, we conducted a questionnaire and received responses from 13 participants. The satisfaction level was very high, with 100% of the responses indicating “good”. Also, the participants expressed their desire to have more lectures by young researchers who are active overseas, as was the case this time.


Questionnaire results