
International Union

Report on the JSME-IU Global seminar series 2019 -Lab Presentations from Domestic and Foreign PIs (1) (18th March 2020)

(English text below)


  • 企画:JSME International Union
  • 企画担当:オケヨ ケネディ(京都大学),安 琪(東京大学)
  • 実施日:2020年3月18日,14:00-14:45 (予定:14:00-14:30)
  • 講演者:廖洪恩先生 (清華大学教授)
  • 演題:Integrated Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques: Toward an Intelligent Medical System
  • 実施形態:インターネット講演
  • 参加人数:12名(JSME-IU委員を除く)


  • 開催目的

JSME International Union (JSME IU)では、学会のグローバル化を図り,グローバルな視野を持った若手エンジニアの育成と幅広いキャリアパスの形成をサポートすることを目的に,「国内外のPIによる研究室紹介」と題するセミナーを企画・実施した.講演者には,日本での留学経験を持ち,世界的に活躍されている清華大学教授の廖洪恩先生を招いた.


  • 講演の概要

第一回目となった今回のセミナーでは,ウェブ会議システムを利用したライブ配信の形式で廖洪先生のご講演を開催した.本講演では,ロボット,画像診断,情報処理などの多彩な技術を統合的に駆使し,分野横断的なアプローチから先進医療<precision medical treatment>を目指した廖先生のご研究が紹介されたほか、世界をリードする大学を目指す清華大学の教育研究への取り組みや,中国政府による研究開発支援・環境整備の現状についても紹介された.また,中国では応用研究重視から基礎研究重視へのシフトが起きていること,留学生の受け入れ環境整備も進んでいることなども説明された.最後に,グローバル人材としてのキャリアパス形成について,廖先生が自身の現在の研究が東京大学大学院時代の研究経験に基づいていることを述べつつ,大学院時代にどの研究をやりたいかをはっきり決めておく事が重要であることを強調し,学生にアドバイスを送った.



ーJSME-IU-Lab Presentations from Domestic and Foreign PIs: 1st Seminar Reportー

  • Organized by:JSME International Union
  • Organizers:Kennedy O. Okeyo (Kyoto Univ.), Qi An (The University of Tokyo)
  • Date:March, 18th, 2020,14:00-14:45 (planned 14:00-14:30)
  • Lecturer: Hongen Liao, Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
  • Title: Integrated Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques: Toward an Intelligent Medical System
  • Style:Webinar
  • Participants:12 (Excluding JSME-IU members)


  • Report summary

The JSME International Union (JSME-IU) organized the 1st seminar of the global seminar series “Lab Presentations from Domestic and Foreign PIs” on March 18th, 2020. The online seminar (webinar) was aimed at promoting international networking and global exposure among members and non-members, and was streamed live via a web conference system to allow participants to join regardless of their location.

The speaker for this seminar was Dr. Hongen Liao, a professor at the department of biomedical engineering, school of medicine, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. Prof. Liao’s talk titled “Integrated Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques: Toward an Intelligent Medical System” highlighted his pioneering research focused on the development of advanced diagnostic and therapeutic (theranostics) technologies for application to precision medicine. This multidisciplinary research integrates medical imaging, robotics, and information processing, among other disciplines, toward the development of high precision surgery assistive tools such as “Surgeon’s New Eye”, “Surgeon’s New Hand”, and “Surgeon’s New Brain”.

Apart from research, Prof. Liao’s talk also highlighted research and education programs at Tsinghua University, including international collaborations and the University’s efforts geared toward being a global player in research and education. Also, he explained about China’s shifting focus from applied to basic research, as well as ongoing reforms aimed at bolstering research capacity by increasing funding and improving research environment. In his advice to graduate students and early-career investigators, Prof. Liao drew from his personal research experience during his tenure as a graduate student at the University of Tokyo and stressed on the importance of formulating long term research plans and objectives during the early stages of a research career.

Being the first of the series, there had been concerns about connection issues and network disruptions. However, as it turned out, the seminar progressed smoothly without a hitch, and, judging from the results of a survey conducted afterwards, the audience was generally satisfied and found the seminar to be useful. The instructive seminar was punctuated by remarkably lively discussions with the audience during the Q&A session.

Overall, this seminar was generally successful and provided important insights which will be handy in improving future seminars. Some challenges that were witnessed and should be addressed in the future include; short time allocation which made time management challenging (the allocated time of 30 min was exceeded by over 15 minutes), adequate prior consultations and engagement with the speaker to achieve a common understanding about the seminar objective and content design, among others. Of great importance will be ensuring that future seminars remain relevant to the main objective of increasing global networking and exposure though content design focusing more on lab and campus life in addition to research work.