
Life in America

Koichiro Matsuu
Graduate School of Mechanical Engineering, Nihon University

When I got the opportunity to come to research in University of Texas at Austin, at first it didn't seem like a good idea mostly because I was afraid of something new and unknown especially because my language skills were poor, but I've decided to try.
Experiencing American life, I learned a lot. I must admit that I am surprised, of course pleasantly, how people here are hospitable and open minded. I have no trouble meeting people and making new friends. America is multicultural environment and here I've met people from all continents. Everybody are so kind from my professors to shop staff.
I was also surprised that Americans are very interested in Japanese culture and language. At university all students study very hard. It is not rare to see students studying in coffee shops, at parks in groups and individually.
Even though we can see many homeless people and not all of the areas are safe, I am definitely happy for being here, for experiencing life outside of Japan and for sure I can recommend everyone to grab the opportunity, be brave because it is worth of it.
