
International Union


企画:JSME International Union

企画担当:安 琪(九州大学)


講演者:岩下友美先生 (アメリカ航空宇宙局 ジェット推進研究所 Key Staff Research Technologist)

演題:Robotics Activities at NASA JPL




  • 開催目的

JSME International Union (JSME IU)では、学会のグローバル化を図り,グローバルな視野を持った若手エンジニアの育成と幅広いキャリアパスの形成をサポートすることを目的に,「国内外のPIによる研究室紹介」と題するセミナーを企画・実施した.講演者には,日本でキャリアを積まれたのちにアメリカ航空宇宙局 ジェット推進研究所(NASA JPL)にて研究者として活躍されている岩下友美先生を招いた.


  • 講演の概要

第2回目となった今回のセミナーでは,ウェブ会議システムを利用したライブ配信の形式で岩下先生にご講演頂いた.NASAの研究所やそこでどのように研究が行われているかについて紹介された.特に先日NASAの火星探査車が火星に着陸したというニュースもあり,このような火星探査車の開発された背景やミッションについて実際にロボットを製作する動画とともに紹介された.また大学での研究教育職であるProfessorと研究所のResearcherの違い,NASA JPLで働くことの意義について説明がなされた.さらにNASA JPLで研究者として働くための方法についても解説され,大きな関心を呼んだ.





ーJSME-IU-Lab Presentations from Domestic and Foreign PIs: 2nd Seminar Reportー

  • Organized by:JSME International Union
  • Organizers:Qi An (Kyushu University)
  • Date:February 26th, 2021,13:00-13:45 (planned 13:00-13:30)
  • Lecturer: Yumi Iwashita, Key Staff Research Technologist,
    Mobility and Robotic Systems Section, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA
  • Title: Robotics Activities at NASA JPL
  • Style:Webinar
  • Participants:17 (Excluding JSME-IU members)
  • Report Summary

The JSME International Union (JSME IU) planned and conducted a seminar titled “Lab Presentations from Domestic and Foreign PIs” with the aim of globalizing the Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineering, fostering young engineers with a global perspective, and supporting the formation of a broad career path. The speaker was Dr. Yumi Iwashita, who has been working as a researcher at NASA JPL in the U.S. after building her career in Japan.

In this second seminar, Dr. Iwashita gave a live lecture using a web conference system, introducing NASA laboratories and how research is conducted there. In particular, with the recent news of NASA’s rover landing on Mars, she introduced the background to the development of the Mars rover and its mission, along with a video of the robot being built. She also explained the difference between a researcher at a research institute and a professor at a university, and the significance of working at NASA JPL. She explained how to work as a researcher at NASA JPL, which aroused great interest.

This seminar was held online as last year. Since there were many online seminars last year, so there was no major confusion. The results of a questionnaire survey conducted after the lecture indicated that all participants were generally satisfied with the seminar, indicating the significance of this seminar. On the other hand, there were some issues that need to be considered for future seminars. In particular, since 15 minutes of extra time was spent in this seminar, it is necessary to reconsider the seminar duration of 30 minutes.