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Message from the division head

Takashi Yoshimi (Shibaura Institute of Technology),
102nd Head of the Robotics and Mechatronics Division

I am Takashi Yoshimi from the Shibaura Institute of Technology. I am honored to have been appointed as Head of the Robotics and Mechatronics Division during its 102nd term. I will be working with the Deputy Head, Takayuki Tanaka (Hokkaido University); Secretary, Motoki Hirayama (JUKI Corporation); and members of the Planning Committee and Management Committee to efficiently manage the division.

I would like to introduce you to transdisciplinary and interdivisional collaboration, an activity that the division has been planning since last year. Collaboration and fusion of technologies from multiple disciplines is crucial for solving the complex and diverse problems of modern society. Therefore, the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME), which has 22 divisions related to mechanical engineering and attracts numerous engineers and researchers, is encouraging and promoting collaboration among divisions throughout the organization to demonstrate its strengths. The Robotics and Mechatronics Division inherently requires considerable research and development not only in individual underlying technologies but also in systemization technology. Combination and fusion of underlying technologies are crucial for satisfying the demands of modern society. Numerous initiatives have been implemented by the division to this end, and the collaboration and fusion of disciplines are not novel or extraordinary to our division. To ensure cohesion, the division has spearheaded the promotion of collaboration among disciplines and divisions within JSME. By Mami Tanaka (Tohoku University), former division head, a new award to recognize outstanding transdisciplinary research from the many interdivisional collaboration sessions in Robomech2023 was established, and the Interdivisional Collaboration Committee was established in our division in last year. The Award Committee in our division has selected 22 outstanding presentations from the collaborative sessions with six divisions in Robomech2023 for the Award for Excellence in Transdisciplinary Research. (These six divisions are Transportation & Logistics; Sports Engineering & Human Dynamics; Information, Intelligence & Precision Equipment; Micro-Nano Science & Technology; Bioengineering; and Dynamics, Measurement & Control.) The new award will be presented at the Robomech2024 awards ceremony. This trend for promoting transdisciplinary collaborations with other divisions will continue for next year.

Other initiatives will be introduced this year for increasing collaboration include the internationalization of the division and strengthening of industry-academia collaboration, including the expansion of corporate membership. Although presentations in English have increased at the Robotics and Mechatronics Conference, the total number of presentations remains small (approximately 3% of the 1,467 presentations at Robomech2023), and only approximately 10% of 2,172 participants were from companies. Considering the scale of the conference, the number of engineers and researchers from companies attend the event is not sufficient. In response to these issues, we would like to refer to the initiatives of other academic societies, but since there is little time until Robomech2024 is held, we will proceed with consideration including Robomech2025.

Robomech2024, the largest event of the division, will be held from May 29 (Wednesday) to June 1 (Saturday), 2024, in Utsunomiya with the theme "Enhancement of Academic Excellence through Social Implementation of Robotics and Mechatronics." The organizing and program committee members are mainly making preparations currently. We hope that everyone will use this conference as a venue for actively exchanging information.

Finally, I would like to thank you for your support and hope that all of you will extend continued cooperation in conducting our division's activities over this year.

Last Update: 2024/04/05
Published by: JSME Robotics and Mechatronics Division Publicity Committee