Editorial Committee


  • Hitoshi ASANO
    (Kobe University)

Vice Editor-in-Chief

  • Ryoichi KUROSE
    (Kyoto University)


  • Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering Editor,
    Hironori TOMYOH
    (Tohoku University)
  • Fluids Engineering Editor,
    Ryoichi KUROSE
    (Kyoto University)
  • Thermal, Engine and Power Engineering Editor,
    Hitoshi ASANO
    (Kobe University)
  • Dynamics & Cotrol, Robotics & Mechatronics,
    Takashi YAMAMOTO
    (Kogakuin University of Technology & Engineering)
  • Micro / Nano Science and Technology Editor,
    Naohiro MATSUMOTO
    (University of Hyogo)
  • Computational Mechanics Editor,
    Takahiro YAMADA
    (Yokohama National University)
  • Design, Machine Element & Tribology, Information & Intelligent Technology, Manufacturing, and Systems Editor,
    Teruaki ITO
    (Okayama Prefectural University)
  • Bio, Medical, Sports and Human Engineering Editor,
    Takashi USHIDA
    (Universtiy of Tokyo)
  • Environmental and Process Engineering, Safety Editor,
    Toshio MOGI
    (University of Tokyo)
  • Transportation and Logistics Editor,
    Hitoshi TUNASHIMA
    (Nihon University)
  • Space Engineering Editor,
    Yusuke MARU
    (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)
  • Law, History, Education and Management Engineering Editor,
    Tsutomu ARAKI
    (Sophia University)

Associate Editor List

Updated: 25th July 2024

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