

2023/5 Vol.126


Talking the TalkTips to Present Powerfully at Conferences学会で力強く発信するためのヒント

第5回 How to Improve Your VerbalCommunication as a Researcher

Mollika Maiti

As a researcher, you might think your primary job is to research and then write about your findings.While that may indeed be important, the ability to communicate your research verbally is also crucial.Plenty of research is written about every single day.But, in order to stand out from the crowd, you need to communicate your ideas through conferences and meetings with your superiors, fellow researchers, as well as science journalists.

What is verbal communication?

Verbal communication is more than just the ability to speak. It is the art of conveying information through the use of language. Some skills that you can adopt in order to enhance your verbal communication include a confident body language, gestures, active listening, asking proper questions to gain more insights, speaking clearly and concisely, and keeping the audience engaged. The idea is to focus on the way you communicate.




