2021年10月17日 - 2021年10月21日 | 動力エネルギーシステム部門Internationalオンライン開催国際会議主催No.21-203
No. 21-203 第15回動力エネルギー国際会議 (ICOPE-2021)
International Conference on Power Engineering – 2021
主 催:本会動力エネルギーシステム部門
共 催:米国機械学会,中国動力行程学会
【趣 旨】
【開催日】2021年10月17日(日)– 10月21日(木)
【会 場】オンライン(Zoom利用)
一般(会員) 40,000円(不課税)
一般(共催学会会員) 40,000円(税込)
一般(会員外) 50,000円(税込)
学生(会員) 20,000円(不課税)
学生(共催学会会員) 20,000円(税込)
学生(会員外) 25,000円(税込)
[ICOPE-2021] デスク
Tel : 06-6252-5044
Fax : 06-7657-8412
E-Mail: westec_op10@jtb.com
Office Hours: 9:30-17:30 (土・日・祝祭日は休業となります)
1. Centralized Power Generation Systems
All advanced cycles such as A-USC, MACC, Triple Combined Cycle, IGCC, IGFC, Allam Cycle, Hybrid Cycle
2. Distributed Energy Systems
Combined Heat and Power (Co-generation system), Fuel Cells, Internal/External Combustion Engines, Organic Rankine Cycle, Smart Grid, Micro Grid, Heat Pump Systems, Unused Heat Regeneration
3. Renewable Energy
Geothermal Energy, Wind Turbines, Tidal Power Generation, Solar Power
4. Hydrogen Energy Technologies
Hydrogen Production, Transportation and Utilization System, Fuel Cell for Automobile
5. Turbines and Generators
Gas Turbines, Steam Turbines, Hydraulic Turbines and Generators
6. Advanced Combustion Technologies
All Combustion technologies, Slag Management, Oxy-fuel Combustion
7. Thermal Hydraulics, Boiling and Condensation
CFD, Experimental Techniques
8. Materials Engineering for Energy Systems
New Metal Alloys for Boilers, Turbine Blades and Governor Valves
9. Operation, Maintenance and Diagnosis Technologies
Non-destructive Inspection, Measurement Techniques, Robotics, IoT-AI
10. Power Grid Stabilization Technologies
Demand Response, Load Following and Leveling, Energy Storage
11. Environmental Protection
Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS), Gas and Water Aftertreatment, Waste to Energy
12. Techno-Socio-Economic Aspect of Energy System
Techno-Economic Analysis, Safety and Security, Regulations and Standards
13. Other Topics
Other Topics Related to Power Engineering